
On This Page

  1.  Receiving Project Funding – Step by Step Process
  2. Project Funding
  3. Bulk Funding
  4. EFT Forms
  5. The Reimbursement Process
  6. Funding Committee Dates
  7. FAQs

Receiving Project Funding - Step by Step Process

The SASSH is able to able reimbursement student expenses for their student group based on their Student Group’s approved budget.  

Please refer to the 2023-2024 Funding Request and Reimbursement Explainer below for detailed information about acceptable purchases, financial deadlines, and the roles and responsibilities of your group.

Step 1 – Check Eligibility: If you’re a student group, course union, or arts student with a beneficial initiative, you’re eligible.

Step 2 -Choose Form: Decide between “Project Funding Form” (under $5,000) or “Bulk Funding Form” (multiple events under $5,000).

Step 3 -Prepare Presentation: Craft a presentation introducing your initiative, its impact, and budget.

Step 4 – Apply Online: Apply online using the appropriate form well before your event.

Step 5 – Present: Present to Funding Committee (under $5,000) or SASSH Board (above $5,000) online.

Step 6 – Approval: SASSH reviews your presentation and budget; get feedback if needed.

Step 7 – Reimbursement: Keep receipts and  fill Cheque Requisition Form within 7 days of expense. Choose your reimbursement method: Traditional (3 weeks) or EFT method (days); register for EFT in advance.

Project Funding

This form is for students outside of a CU/SG, as well as any singular initiatives, including initiatives over $5,000.

  • This can be for a single or several events that are going to take place throughout the semester.
  • All questions on the form must be answered and submitted along with a detailed budget of planned expenses in order to be considered for project funding. 
  • Groups must be approved for funding by the VP Finance before spending money, otherwise, they are not guaranteed to be reimbursed. 
  • Projects with special attention directed towards accessibility and principles of EDI will be given priority to the SASSH’s project funding.

Please direct all questions to the Vice-President of Finance at

Bulk Funding

This form is for students groups and course unions. This can be for multiple events for multiple events each under $5,000. 

  • All questions on the form must be answered and submitted along with a detail budget of planned expenses in order to be considered for bulk funding.
  • Groups must be approved for funding by the VP Finance before spending money, otherwise they are not guaranteed to be  reimbursed. Please take a look at the SASSH Funding Request Explainer document before requesting funding.
  • Projects with special attention directed towards accessibility and principles of EDI will be given priority.

Please direct all questions to the Vice-President of Finance at

EFT Forms

EFT Forms allow students to be reimbursed for initiative expenses quickly.

  • This system automatically reimburses within days directly to a bank account similar to a direct deposit.
  • This system requires you to sign on two months in advance of using it for the first time to give the University time to process your request.
  • Simply fill the form out, and next time you fill out a cheque requisition form select “Yes” when it asks if you have filled out an EFT form.

Please direct all questions to the Vice-President of Finance at

The Reimbursement Process

For summer 2024, funding pitch dates will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. Please request a funding pitch date by emailing:, and cc'ing and

The funding committee deals with requests under $4,999.99

The bulk form is used for multiple events and days that you would need funding for. The project funding form deals with smaller expenses and funding.

To request funding, underneath the Finance tab on the SASSH website there is a tab called funding. There will be both options, individual project funding and bulk funding. Whichever suits your situation press the button and it will take you to the form where you can submit a request.

You must submit a request through the form to get funding, that is the only way you will be scheduled for the meeting. 

Unfortunately, no. This is because you have already purchased something with your own account before getting the committee’s approval. If you go through with the funding request and they do not approve your request, then you would not be able to depend on the committee to fund that expense.